About RAISE Global

RAISE Global is the premier community for forward-thinking LPs and emerging fund managers. Our mission is to help the next generation of fund entrepreneurs succeed, while connecting LPs to the venture capitalists of the future. Our vision is a world where exciting new fund managers can more easily connect with the right capital partners and put their money to work.

Our Story

Raising a venture fund for the first time can be lonely and difficult work. While some investors may be good at finding amazing companies and deploying capital, they may be less experienced at fundraising and investor management. Even successful angel investors and well-connected entrepreneurs often struggle to secure investments from potential LPs.
At the same time, LPs who are looking to invest in emerging venture funds face a similar challenge. How do they find the most exciting—and backable—fund managers that fit their investment profiles? Emerging fund managers often outperform the larger funds, but they may not be on most LPs’ radars. Many LPs also have a mandate to focus on particular regions or industries, or to back fund managers with diverse backgrounds, but not all of these funds are easy to find…especially the new ones. And by the time a fund is “proven,” it’s almost impossible to get into the fund.

As fund entrepreneurs ourselves, we lived and breathed these challenges first-hand. As our experience grew, we also saw very clearly a situation where two sets of people were eager to find each other, but didn’t know how to connect.

That’s why we decided to host the very first RAISE conference in 2016, and now we’ve expanded our program beyond an annual event, with more opportunities for connection and educational content.

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